Jackalope Bay

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Jackalope Bay is a proposed name of the northeast arm of the small playa named Dry Lake[1] to the west of the Blue Wing Mountains.[2] (Dry Lake is not Blue Wing Flat.)

The idea was to promote the Jackalope, a mythical hybrid of a jackrabbit and an antelope. Naming a bay on a dry lake was considered even more absurd. The name was proposed by Michael P. Branch, an author and UNR faculty member. Coincidentally, in 2021, the image used in the title of the Nevada State Board on Geographic Names website (archive.org) showed Dry Lake and on the right side behind the word "Names" is the proposed Jackalope Bay.

The location is 40°24'26.0"N 119°01'57.5"W.[3]

The first reading was in January, 2019.[4]

At the second hearing in May 2019, the Nevada State Board on Geographic Names stated that they had received an objection from the Pershing County Commissioners and a motion for a third reading was passed.[5]


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